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Flip thinking books

Berthold Gunster wrote thirteen best selling books about Omdenken in Dutch. These book are or will be published in 22 countries: Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, Germany, France, Finland, Greece, Italy, Israel, Croatia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, UK, USA and South-Korea. Below you will find more information about the books that have currently been released.

About the author

Berthold Gunster

Berthold Gunster is the founder of the omdenken, or flip thinking, philosophy. After studying at the Theatre Academy in Utrecht, he worked as a theatre director and writer for years.

Since 2001, he and his team have been offering trainings, workshops, and shows about omdenken to companies and individuals. Berthold Gunster has written thirteen bestselling books about the omdenken theory.

Some of those have been or will be translated. Below you will find more information about the books that have currently been released in countries all over the world.

Berthold Gunster 4 Groot

United States

Flip Thinking

Change your mindset from problem-focused to opportunistic using omdenken, the Dutch art of flip thinking—from the bestselling author and founder of the omdenken philosophy.

This international bestseller introduces the power of omdenken—or flip thinking—to transform stuck-in-the-mud, pessimistic thought into an inventive, curious mindset, so you can stop saying “yes, but” to life, and start saying “yes, and.”
In this riveting book, Berthold Gunster presents fifteen strategies to transform your thoughts away from limitations and negativities and towards possibilities and opportunities. From disrupting (turn all the rules upside down) to flaunting (play up what you want to hide), from importing (get the enemy on board) to amplifying (do more of what works), Gunster’s strategies and stories will have you approaching even the most challenging problems—whether an annoying neighbor or an angry colleague or an unhappy partner—in a whole new way.

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United Kingdom

Flip Thinking

Change your mindset from problem-focused to opportunistic using omdenken, the Dutch art of flip thinking—from the bestselling author and founder of the omdenken philosophy.

This international bestseller introduces the power of omdenken—or flip thinking—to transform stuck-in-the-mud, pessimistic thought into an inventive, curious mindset, so you can stop saying “yes, but” to life, and start saying “yes, and.”
In this riveting book, Berthold Gunster presents fifteen strategies to transform your thoughts away from limitations and negativities and towards possibilities and opportunities. From disrupting (turn all the rules upside down) to flaunting (play up what you want to hide), from importing (get the enemy on board) to amplifying (do more of what works), Gunster’s strategies and stories will have you approaching even the most challenging problems—whether an annoying neighbor or an angry colleague or an unhappy partner—in a whole new way.

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Prima di rendercene conto – magari perché siamo sovraccarichi di lavoro o siamo genitori pieni di “belle intenzioni” verso i nostri figli o, più semplicemente, perché siamo per natura ansiosi e irrequieti –, quando ci troviamo di fronte a un problema finiamo per ingigantirlo, per tentare di rimuoverlo o cercare una soluzione sbrigativa (e deludente).

Questo non è solo fonte di frustrazione, ma rappresenta anche una mancata opportunità: ogni problema, infatti, è una fonte nascosta di forza, un bacino di informazioni. Ripensarlo, riconsiderarlo invertendo la rotta dei nostri pensieri, analizzandolo e comprendendo i fattori che lo determinano e lo alimentano, ci dà la possibilità di farne un volano per creare qualcosa di originale e innovativo, di scoprire nel problema le sue potenzialità nascoste. Berthold Gunster ci guiderà alla scoperta dell’arte di riorientare il nostro modo di pensare e di guardare alla realtà. Con numerosi esempi pratici, scopriremo con lui che molti problemi non sono affatto problemi.

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Pensar ao contrário

No filme Os Salteadores da Arca Perdida, de Steven Spielberg, estava prevista uma cena onde Harrison Ford lutaria contra vários espadachins. Era uma coreografia complicada e o ator treinou durante semanas.

Só que no dia das filmagens adoeceu e, incapaz de combater, sugeriu ao realizador uma quando o espadachim ameaçador brande a sua imensa espada, Indiana Jones limita-se a suspirar, puxa da arma e dispara sobre ele. É uma das cenas clássicas da história do cinema. E um exemplo absolutamente brilhante de como transformar um problema numa oportunidade. Berthold Gunster explora neste livro as 15 estratégias que usa para resolver qualquer problema. É todo um curso que levará o leitor a esquecer o que deveria ser (Spielberg queria filmar naquele dia) e a focar-se antes no que poderia ser (Harrison Ford reinventou a cena). Com exemplos, histórias, imagens e muita ciência, o autor mostra como aprender a aceitar os problemas, desconstruí-los e aplicar a cada um deles a estratégia mais adequada.

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South Korea

플립 싱킹

“문제는 많을수록 좋다.
그것이 다 기회가 되니까!“

글로벌 기업들과 전 세계 130만 명이 체험한 놀라운 성과,

읽고, 자고, 다음 날 바로 써먹는 플립 싱킹의 15가지 전략 대공개!

“문제는 많을수록 좋다.

그것이 다 기회가 되니까!“

글로벌 기업들과 전 세계 130만 명이 체험한 놀라운 성과,

읽고, 자고, 다음 날 바로 써먹는 플립 싱킹의 15가지 전략 대공개!

이 책을 사다
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